How To Remove Unwanted Facial Hair-Natural Solutions for Unwanted Facial Hair 2024

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Remove Unwanted Facial Hair

Unwanted facial hair, Is there any way that we can remove our unwanted facial hair through some natural remedies? Let’s understand.

Causes of Unwanted Facial Hair

There are several reasons behind this problem and one such reason is hormonal disbalance.

I’m going to share four very simple ways through these very simple remedies through which you can remove your facial hair naturally.

Remedy 1: Cornstarch and Wild Turmeric Face Pack

So let’s get started Very first thing is we need to make a face pack.


  • Cornstarch
  • Wild turmeric
  • Water

First is corn starch, not corn flour We need a corn starch. And also we need wild turmeric Not the regular turmeric that you use on your diet. So make sure that you get wild turmeric. (Remove Unwanted Facial Hair)


Now let’s understand how do we have to make it.

Take this cornstarch, mix some water in it and make a nice paste of it. Keep it aside. Take a pan, take some water in it and put one fourth amount of tablespoon of wild turmeric. And put this wild turmeric in water,

Let it boil like let it boil once. Once it’s boiled, now mix this cornstarch mixture in this turmeric mixture and let the whole thing boil for some time.

After some time you will see the texture becoming like a jelly kind of texture. Just put the flame off and let it cool for some time.

Now this mixture is ready, you have to apply it in the direction of your hair. So if your hair direction is this way, apply it this way.

Let it stay for 15, between ten to 20 minutes, whatever is comfortable to you.

And after that give a mild gentle scrub to it. Just rub it in the opposite direction.

You can also give some circular massage along with the, you know, opposite direction. (Remove Unwanted Facial Hair)

Scrub or massage and it should just rinse your face with cold running water.

How many times and how for how much duration we can do it.

You can apply it for continuously ten, eight to ten days and then give at least ten to 15 minutes, ten to 15 days of rest and then start reapplying it for eight to ten days.

Remedy 2: Gram Flour and Turmeric Pack

This is one thing if you find it a little tough. We have an age old remedy for you which is a mixture of basin gram flour and turmeric, preferably wild turmeric.

But if you don’t have wild turmeric for this remedy, you can use natural normal turmeric also.


  • Gram flour (besan)
  • Turmeric (preferably wild, but regular turmeric can be used)
  • Lemon juice
  • Sandalwood powder


So take gram flour besan mix a bit of turmeric in it and then squeeze half lemon juice in it and a little bit of sandalwood powder, chandan powder, make a nice paste and then again apply paste in the same direction where your hair like is in the direction of your hair.

Let it stay for 20 minutes and then rub it gently in the opposite direction. You can also give a circular massage with this paste. (Remove Unwanted Facial Hair)

Hair are also going to come out. So then you rinse your face with cold running water.

Make sure that you do not, you know, scratch your face after any of this remedy. You do not rub your face with harsh towel.

Just bat pat dry your face and make sure that you apply either a chemical free moisturizer after that.

Remedy 3: Sugar and Lemon Juice Scrub


  • Sugar (white)
  • Lemon juice

Now the third thing is mixture of sugar and lemon juice. Take some sugar, white sugar and put some lemon juice in it.

Make a nice mixture and apply it on your face. First just scrub it with this mixture.

Scrub your face or the area from where you want to remove unwanted hair.

Scrub it, let it stay for 15 minutes and then just rinse your face with cold water.

Remedy 4: Honey and Lemon Juice Mixture


  • Honey
  • Lemon juice


Fourth is even more simpler that’s take honey, a little bit of honey and mix some lemon juice and honey. (Remove Unwanted Facial Hair)

Make a nice mixture, It will look like those girls who go for, what do you call that, waxing.

You will find that this mixture is looking like a wax.

So just apply it in the same direction where your facial hair is or any other part of your body where you apply it and then let it stay for 20 minutes.

Take a very soft cotton, cotton handkerchief or cotton cloth which is not newly brought cotton cloth which is very, very, very soft. Dip it in cold water and then remove it in the opposite direction.

So these are four very, very simple ways through which you can actually bid farewell to your facial hair.

The Root Cause

But make sure this is something which you are doing from the outer side, from the outside from the outer body. (Remove Unwanted Facial Hair)

But we need to manage this hormonal imbalance from within from inside. And the only way to do that is through continuous practice of Bharat yoga.

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